Kamis, 07 April 2011

24 hours for you

Being a student at a college that can be said to be happy or sad. On the right side, there is a happiness because closed from a place with thousands of full regulatory restrictions. That's school. However, on the other hand there were feelings of anxiety.
Because 4 years is not long in university. After 4 years, they will immediately demanded an enormous responsibility. Where parents can't help again. They just remember their child as long as  they can .

I don't know why I can think like that. Because without realizing it was 8 months I was a student. Means within 4 months, it will be 1 year. That's great! But it's the big problem for me too. Because it's not easy to develop every thing and shape what has been planned on the list big dream. Life orientation not only reach the dream in the sky but don't forget about around your environment. Sometimes when too much focus on something, then we'll forget something else, too.

Sometimes I feel 24 hours is not long. Wake up, eat, lectures, meetings, go home and sleep. Wake up again and keep doing things like that. Sometimes if we do not have  small orientation, 24 hours will be wasted.

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