Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Writing Competition Road To Copenhagen

Do you want the chance to report on the UN Framework for Climate Change Convention in Denmark live and on the scene? Enter our competition by writing a news article on the topic “Chlidren and Young People and the Climate Change Challenge” that answer either of these questions:

• what will be the impact of climate change on Indonesian Children in 10-15 years from now?

• What can children do to combat climate change in Indonesia?

We are accepting submissions nationwide that will be judged in two categories: junior high students 13 to 15 years old and senior high students 16 to 18 years old.

The guidlines are simple. Write a 500-words article using the Arial font with the lune spacing of 1.5 and send it ti us through regular mail or e-mail.

Send your submission to:

• Plan International Indonesia
Attn: Paulan Ajibrata
Menara Duta Building 6th floor Wing A
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-9, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12910

We can only review submission received by our deadline October 22 at 5 p.m.

The announcement of the winners will be November 1. The best two young journalists will attend the climate change conference alongside Plan International of Indonesia.

Other winners may receive trophies, in-house journalism tarining at The Jakarta Post and have their article published in youthespeak.

For further information call:

• Vanda Lengkong, Pland International Indonesia, 08124419613

• Paulan Aji, Plan International Indonesia, 0811144240
• Ditie, The Jakarta post, 5300476 ext. 3028

Supported by:

Youthspeak – The Jakarta Post – Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim

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