Smiley Face
i don't think I attended this event. because the place is so far from my house while this event will finished until 8 p.m. can you imagine how long I until the house? long journey from Buaran to tebet by bus 45 minutes..
I don't think all of them but i only think when else I would gather with friends and teachers again. After that all of them will scatter with their experience life. It so difficult if want to gather again.
This farewell party isn't ordinary party plus training motivator and Thanksgiving to Allah SWT which give oppourturnity to my friends get state university at begin. Please excuse because part of them not yet have a state university including me..hehehe. the best motivator is Mr.A.Ichrom.
He gave passions, one of them , "patient at the beginning", gave video abbout success people etc.. After that, a part of my friends fasting then we open fasting gather and the last muhasabah.
The love event in this party when the student give critic and opini to NF. Really I want to advance in front of the room as have got state university. But now I not yet have it. This event make me sad and motivator. I won't make staffs and teachers of NF dissapoint with their effort make our success in front of eyes.
I will remember Mr.Hafidz, Mrs.Yani and Mrs.Sari encourage student who vague from consul. one of them will standing in the doorway to block student. :-x
and many teachers make me always remember about them..
Mr. Irchas
His style teach math to student make me laught when I was seeing he at beginning :-o . possible that the signs of genius people..hahaha. He really jenius.. I like how he teach so fast. It's encourage my brain work hard and fast.
Mr. Anam
He teachs biology. He's so prefect teacher. He can explain the lessons really detailed make me easy remember it.. althought, I rarely come in his lesson because he seldom teach in sunday. Because every sunday I always didn't come in NF .. hihi (i'm sorry.)
Mr. Surya
He can bewitch me to want to learn physics. Whereas before, every lesson that I always talk, eat or sleep (not even care). ;-)
Mrs. Novy
I like her style of dresses and she knows if there are students who get bored (no mood) to study chemistry.
to continue...
sorry if it incompatible with the grammar..
Smiley Face
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